"It's kind of like when you're at recess in public school, you're bored, and you come up with rules for a game on the spot. [Crybaby] and I do that with music."  - Tenant

XOFY is a public self-exploration electronic series. With each XOFY, participants have 36 hours to produce a solo work on the iteration's theme. Artists should challenge themselves and stray from what they're used to in terms of instrumentation, style, and genre.

Musicians are encouraged to submit their works under matching monikers, that change with each release. These pseudonyms allow artists to be as anonymous as they choose, to give them the freedom to make music they might be embarrassed or reserved about making. Also it's cute how they sound together.

Every XOFY issue is a collective work -- made up of numerous aspects but meant to be heard as a single piece. Participants are encouraged to share their work with each other while in development to make a coherent sound across the release.

XOFY is a monthly repeated endeavour:  the theme of each iteration will be posted on the first Sunday of the month time interval, and all entrants are required to turn in their EP's before the end of the following Sunday whenever. No submissions will be accepted after the deadline -- however, there will always be next month's whenever's iteration to participate in.

"Ambient punk"

Released 4 October, 2013.

1 ½: Letting My Mind Wander Because There Is Nowhere Better For It to Be Right Now

By Tentant of Neptune
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5-track EP. 
Acoustic guitar, body noises, apartment samples, and vocals.
Songs about living in houses and cities.  
it's pretty happy go lucky at first, digging life. then it takes a severe left turn (or downturn) at track three, where it's basically as though the character is hit by a bus (street sounds). the rest of the album is the trip through purgatory. at least this is what it sounds like to me 
All credit to Tenant of Neptune, save the mastering of "Iconoplasm," which may be attributed Crybaby of Venus.

Wear a Suit - The Product of Being Socially and Emotionally Outclassed (Why You Should​/​Shouldn't Push Yourself Further Than Has Been Determined to Be Acceptable)

By Crybaby of Venus
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6-track EP.
A cappella samples.
don't cry make music
emotional night, i got home at 1am and made music until i passed out the next night. non stop stream of consciousness. no turning back. mistakes don't exist.
guilt, socialistion, socialising, gender, drugs, philosophies, losing minds 
story of two voices. which is a hallucination? send in letter with essay explaining why for chance to win lifetime supply of crackerjacks
1 mastered by not me
2&5 mastered by tenant of neptune.
3's lyrics w/ colene mcrae
4's lyrics w/ salma dessouki

"Shitty keyboards."

XOFY2 will be happening sometime real soon when we manage to get our shit together. After the success/non-failure of XOFY's first project, participants will be asked to craft an EP focal-pointed with keyed instruments of low quality or value (both sentimental and monetary).

Send a message to malayaandherneighbours@gmail.com if you're interested in participating!

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